Thursday, July 14, 2005

Cinderella Story... at Augusta...

Prior to this year, I didn't play any golf for about two or three years... it was costing too much money, and I wasn't having any fun.

This year, a co-worker asked if I wanted to play in the par-3 league -- I figured what the heck... it's probably been one of my better decisions this year, as I've had lots of fun, met a few neat people, and seem to have improved somewhat compared to my previous abilities.

Some random thoughts about golf, I'm too lazy to put this into something other than a bulleted list:
  • In this country anyways, it really is accessible to everyone in the middle class on up... to play par 3 courses usually isn't much more than $10-$15 for 9 holes.
  • The golf swing is depressingly difficult to learn, especially considering each club requires a slightly different motion due to the differing club lengths & angles.
  • There is still a lot of snobbiness out on the course, people who think they're better because they have the stodgiest clothes, newest clubs, etc. This is one of the things that most bothers me about the game. Hard to think of any other sport that has this many private facilities in the world, where large amounts of money make it an elite class.
  • All it takes is one good shot to become addicted.
  • Just when you think you've learned something, another thing will go off.
  • Mark Twain called golf, "a good walk spoiled".
  • It's okay to be a beginner at golf, it's not okay to play slow... unless you're Tiger.
That's all I got for now... just watching the Tour de France and scratching mosquito bites, figured I'd better write something.


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