Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Leaky Faucet

I figured I'd better write something... I've had threats.

The faucet in my laundry room tub is leaking. Give me credit, because after the initial, "oh crap," my reaction was, "hey, I can learn how to fix this." However, one basic concept I was immediately aware of, is the need to turn off the water in order to replace/fix whatever is leaking. Hard to replace something when it is spraying water at probably 30 psi or so.

This is where the whole townhouse thing comes in, because it appears that in their haste to save a few bucks, there is no valve for this faucet, and there is no immediately visible valves in the pipework above the tub. So now, I figure I have to find wherever the main connection is, in order to fix a stupid leak.

Well, this should turn out better than the $80 I had to pay a water softener guy to replace a 15 cent spring a couple years ago.

(I'll try to think of something more interesting for next time...)


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